It's very strange. Last night I had a dream that we were in a tornado. I don't know what place we were in but it was kind of like a school, there was a stadium out back with many rows of seats but the inside of the place was like a house. The rooms had furniture so it was more like an apartment complex than a school I guess. It just reminds me of the kids old school the way it was arranged. The tornado was coming and we could hear people talking about where we needed to go. We moved outside down this sidewalk to go to a different place to wait it out and there it was, just off in the distance - a huge swirling gray bunch of clouds with things spinning around wildly on the outside edge. There was a big white van painted up Scooby gang style with huge flowers and a burning tree (spinning in the tornado, not painted on the van). Pieces of the fire flew from the swirling clouds and landed all over. Emily's (the only one of my kids that was with me) sleeve caught on fire. Just a small one, I patted it out with my hand.
This morning, my hand is burned. All the way across the base of my palm is red, puffy and stinging and it looks like I've been burned. How weird is that?
This morning, my hand is burned. All the way across the base of my palm is red, puffy and stinging and it looks like I've been burned. How weird is that?
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