Time And Tide

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. Lyndon B.Johnson

Thursday, September 18, 2003

I've been playing with the "almost" website again. I wanted to show off some pictures that my daughter Leirin has taken. For the moment there are only a few up there but they are excellent. Once I get my computer to read the picture disc her computer made, I'll have a lot more to add. She's an excellent photographer, I think. Anyway, the three of you that I know read here can see the pics here. I hope that works. She isn't here to let me know if I did it right. The website is pretty empty still, except for the photos sections. I still have many to add once I figure out how to put another table at the bottom of that one. I'm SO software stupid and so far all I manage when I try to do that is to make the bottom cells taller. Will come with practice, I guess.

Speaking of Leirin. Yesterday I enrolled her in an equine management certificate course at Tri-County Tech. I had to wait to hear whether they would allow her to take the courses or not. She's only 11 but we had excellent references from her farm boss, her grades are good and her plans for life are convincingly well thought out. Apparently it was more than enough to show them she wouldn't be wasting the instructor's time or making the admissions people look foolish. Yesterday she got her interim report and her averages are great so far this year. She has a 100 avg in two of her classes! All A's except for one B (in science which she still hasn't made up all the work from our missed vacation week) and I expect it will be an A before the end of the 9 weeks.

I'm really proud of her.


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