Time And Tide

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. Lyndon B.Johnson

Saturday, March 06, 2004

It seems we have finally struck a deal on the house and land we wanted. We have an offer accepted on the house and 15 acres, with the option to buy the remaining acreage if the new survey leaves boundaries that we don’t like or want to add to. To say that I’m excited is an understatement. I could hardly sleep last night. My insides flutter with ideas and plans, thoughts of sitting on that little knoll, closing my eyes and feeling the breeze. There is so much I want to do. In the meantime, there is so much I have to do.

I look around the house we live in now – have lived in for ten years and I wonder if I can ever get everything packed up. Every nook and corner is packed with something. I’m hoping that, at the very least, moving will go a long way in helping me to declutter.
Am banking on me being too lazy to move a lot of it to help me clear it out. It’s the best plan I have got.

Picked up Jennifer Weiner’s IN HER SHOES last night because, well, I don’t have enough things to do with my time. Am not sure what motivated me to buy it, other than I’ve been wanting to read it for some time now. Really though, when do I think I’ll get a chance? Oh well, is better to have it and not get to read it than to never have had it at all.

Yesterday I had to write a letter to the school of my oldest daughter. They had these “team meetings” the day before (each grade is divided into two teams). Somehow the ten minute meeting turned into a 50 minute tirade on how pathetic team 2 (my daughter’s) is. It ate away the entire class period that a math test was scheduled for and after the teachers and the principal called the kids names (unmotivated, worst team in the history of the school, degenerates that take no pride in their work, yadda, yadda, yadda…) the principal starts making up new rules that are apparently JUST for team 2 members, like…if you’re late to class again, you get suspended. STUPID MAN. Team 1’s meeting (according to a couple of team 1 members my team 2 daughter spoke to) was a quick ten-minute rundown of how bad team 2 is and you guys are great! Keep up the good work!

The district has such a strict policy that when two little boys wore a coordinating outfit with plain blue t-shirts that happened to match they were disciplined (suspended if I remember right but I can’t be sure) for gang related activities. Yet the school – the freakin principal! – is pitting these two teams against each other like they are at war? You know, some people are just too stupid for their own good or the good of others. Is a true wonder I hold any confidence at all in our (our local) educational system at all. I didn’t hear back from anyone I sent the email to yesterday. They must believe if they ignore me I’ll go away. They don’t know me vewwy well do they? I am sick of my children being treated like empty, ignorant puppets in need of manipulation to ensure they act properly. Am sick of all the children being treated that way, and buying into it to boot. Is a ridiculous philosophy and one I cannot understand how we came to.

Our school system really gets my panties in a wad.

The good news is we are through with this particular district once this year is over – assuming all goes as planned with the house loan etc, etc, etc. I can only hope that the new district we will be living in offers more than ridiculous shows of ignorance. It's a tall order in this area, and yet I remain hopeful. My own contribution to the regular acts of ignorance, I suppose.


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