Time And Tide

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. Lyndon B.Johnson

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

7:30 and already this morning I've had to repair the cord on my vacuum cleaner. Gimli has hit the chewing phase . I'm reminded again why I don't do electrical work. I don't like it. And there's that possibility of electricution thing - though not a very big threat of it with what I was doing. I have yet to plug the vacuum in and run it for the first time though. And for some reason that always worries me. What if I did it wrong? Hate wiring.

The house looks like it's seen three types of disasters at this point. Books are everywhere because I'm not at a point where I can load the shelves back up. The floor still has the walking area to be finished. School work litters the entire office area because we have no good place to work now since every open area is piled full with something. I just can't manage to fix one room without destroying three others. It's a curse. Well worth it when it's finished, but boy it's a long way from start to finish.

A lot has to be accomplished today because we have tons of laundry waiting and well, I can't get to the washer and dryer. There isn't enough coffee in the world to prepare me for what has to be done.

And don't forget, please spay or neuter your pet. And if it's a dog, have their teeth pulled and jaws wired shut while you're at it

More later when I'm not feeling so hopeless...


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