Time And Tide

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. Lyndon B.Johnson

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I've come to the conclusion that I must be the most easily led astray person in the entire world. I'm a freaky this close to the holidays with mucho grande piles of things to be made (as in hand-crafted by my hands) and what do I do? I build a cat house. No, silly thing, not that kind of cat house. The kind cold little kitties hunker down in to stay protected from the cold weather because they can't come inside because they will pee on anything rectangular shaped (that does include the litter box) and because I feel guilty because Fatty Cat is lacking in the levels of intellegence required to go sleep in the attic of the open building that Simon and Mosquito sleep in.
I feel guilty, and so I build.
Oh and while I'm at it, I might as well sign up for Flylady again because, well, I've pretty much sucked flying solo. My house will attest to that. Jake's sitting in the kitchen floor, merrily painting away at the new cat house and I'm shining the kitchen sink (and I washed the kitchen curtains for good measure because my goodness they looked horrible with that grape jelly stain that got splashed up on them during canning season once I got the jelly stains scrubbed out of the backsplash).
Two hours until after school pick up. Maybe there is time to cut out one pattern. Just as soon as I finish that sink.


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