Time And Tide

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. Lyndon B.Johnson

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Birthday shopping

So I wasted my evening alone until my husband came home last night then I curled up contentedly next to him on the couch and fell asleep. He didn’t even wake me up to go to bed. I woke up at 5:00 this morning with Cutter slapping at the bells on my ankle bracelet. I joined Doug in our bed but I couldn’t sleep. I kept opening my eyes to see if the sun was ready to come up yet.

I love being up to watch the sunrise. There is a quiet just before daybreak that even my insane-o barking dogs respect. A cup of coffee on the newly hung and painted porch swing with the sun coming up slowly over the back of the house and all is right with the world. Of course, the sun was up by the time the coffee was through brewing and I didn’t enjoy it sitting on the porch swing, but still.

I sit here now with my coffee, watching the dogs stretch lazily as they wander across the yard and I’m shopping QVC for large hoop earrings for the oldest. Her birthday is coming up in a few weeks and she wants some large hoops. All of my kids are afflicted with sensitivities. And it costs me money. Penicillin? The good, cheap stuff – no way. They’ve all gotta have the expensive stuff. $71.00 for 5 tablespoons. Same with jewelry…neither Leirin nor Emily can wear cheap earrings. Their ears will swell and itch in protest. Even the earrings for sensitive ears won’t do. They can wear those occasionally, at least, but more than a few days in a row and it is a mess.

Shopping for her is easy because we have the same taste – difficult because I want to buy myself a pair of everything I pick out for her. Good thing my birthday is only a few days before hers.

I’ve looked at (I’m sure) thousands of pairs of earrings and haven’t found anything yet that is just perfect. Well, there was that one pair but even my own earrings don’t cost a hundred bucks and if I’m going to spend fifty on them, there had better be something really way cool about them – like the pair I have (which I can’t find now) that have a moon face molded into the back of the hoop and a little dangling white-gold star that hangs in the center of the hoop. That’s a pair worth more than twenty bucks.

Seriously, 500 pairs of earrings so far; you’d think I’d have found SOMETHING by now.


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