Time And Tide

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. Lyndon B.Johnson

Saturday, August 14, 2004

This, That, and The Other

This evening I started working on the front porch. Fall absolutely can not come without my porch swing, so today I bought the stuff I needed to hang it. I also found some cute lanterns to hang all around the porch. There are 5 of them, in an aged copper finish. They hang just above the porch railing at close enough to evenly spaced intervals from small sections of a pretty decorative-type chain. The corner of the porch now holds my four foot long set of wind chimes. Naturally, we haven't had a hint of a breeze yet, but I hold out hope for one in the night.

I've got a novel idea. A good one I think. I have title, a summary, character outlines, goal, motivation and conflict worked out and 738 words of chapter one thanks to today's visit to the library. I think that's pretty good considering 738 is exactly the number of times the kids interrupted me to help them find a book. Don't they teach them how to use a library in school?

And from Jake...did you know that an all-tile bathroom makes farts sound even louder?
Who'da thunk it?


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